Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Widows Mobile and Android Develpment Platform part3

A comparative study of mobile development environments was conducted by Tom Morten Grønli, Jarle Hansen and Gheorghita Ghinea, Brunel University, London. In this comparative study, a sample application demo was created in both the Windows Mobile and Android development platforms to better illustrate the file size for each application deployment. The sample application demo was a simple program that prints a line of text on the screen. The above example code was as follows:

      The display size of the demo application in Windows Mobile environment was 2.8 KB.
      The display size of the demo application in the Android environment was 9.3 KB.

The file sizes as indicated or were without reducing software obfuscator. This is the type of file that an end user, either download or shipped and then installed on his / her device. As you can see from above, the demo application on Windows Mobile had a size of 2.8 kb, while Android was about three times the size of 9.3 MB. This serves as an indication of the total amount of configuration files and run-time dependencies that must be included with each of the client applications. When it comes to the number of lines of code, Windows Mobile requires only 11 lines, while Android requires 28.

Comparison Developer Support

Developer support is a very important aspect when it comes to gain speed and quality during the development process. While the two mobile development platforms have similarities, there are some unique differences in developer support. The differences become clearer when we take the integrated development environment (IDE) and tooling into consideration.

The only option for the development of Visual Studio's Windows Mobile, developed by Microsoft again. With Visual Studio, Windows Mobile requires support from Microsoft before it can execute and submit new IDE features. The community can only make suggestions, but has no direct influence. However, there is a positive side as consistency is assured. In addition, the approval process implemented by Microsoft quality while sending new products will ensure quality.

On the other hand, there are several choices of tools for Android, with a number of IDEs. Android is open source communities, contributing to the development IDE, providing and ensuring the quality of the functionality of plugins for the software. However, multiple IDE environment can be challenging to maintain consistency and quality assurance. Consistency becomes a challenge as extension features may be available only for some of the competing IDEs. Quality assurance becomes an important challenge as the development carried out by the community is not governed by a common standard for the quality required prior to the new feature integrated development environment available. Quality assurance of the delivered code is essential to deliver fully functional products. These two factors can potentially make porting code between applications and impossible environments.

One of the differences between the platforms Android and Windows Mobile development to the extent that refers to support for developers and quality assurance becomes more evident in the test environment. Let's take a closer look at this during the test drive of the two development platforms.

Unit testing is basically a quality assurance and validation of tools for testing small parts of a computer or mobile applications. The goal is that each section isolated and tested separately. This will help you isolate and ensure the quality of the different units of the application. Read More

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