Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Robotic Ship Hull Inspections..

There is a movement to replace human divers used for inspection , damage assessment , protection, terrorist surveillance , oceanography , underwater geology, sunken treasure ships , installing energy infrastructure , and military needs. The robotic age is here and has been found to be often much cheaper to send in robotics, not to mention safer. Things like underwater welding in the past have been considered the most dangerous jobs in the world , but what about the inspection work easier hull boats ?

If underwater robots accomplish those tasks too? Let's talk . See as a pilot, I realize how important it is to make a pre-flight inspection , and that once in the air , you can not simply pull over when something goes wrong - same reality at sea in the middle of an ocean on a ship right ?

Divers and hoof pilots are very experienced and know what to look for when inspecting expensive equipment which must function properly. Failure is often " is not an option ," and so , how can we trust such legitimately pre- flight inspections and inspections of ship hulls for robotic hardware that just does not, so far, have the same skills ? Ah , so now I've piqued your curiosity, let's continue .Read More

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