Wednesday, April 6, 2016

IPhone virus!

Virus included as Android, iOS operating system stigma on the forehead, but it was not labeled. That all came to know that at least. However, the idea was wrong. Recently, a security company Palo Alto Networks has found the existence of iOS iPhone operating system, the virus has claimed. The company said the Trojan virus, which Apple diaraeme damage. As a result, the company does not require the certificate. It's called "disibhara Ace.

This virus is a bit complicated work ethic. Palo Alto Networks, says the strategy disibhara Karema Ace is called "clean Man-in-the-middle game." In this process, the attacker purchased app store keeps aiosera code required authorization. From now on, any Internet user Itunes aisihelapara namalei the computer becomes infected. IOS-powered device to the computer associated with the device if an attacker sends an authentication code, so it is believed that the device has not purchased the application, and then thought itself begin to decline application Apple smartphone.
Not only that, Apple ID and password of the machine within reach of the attacker will come slowly. The Palo Alto, the whole process is very simple and the other attackers can easily create a copy. Apple regions "locked" in this case has become boomerangs. This is due to the difficulty to catch locks virus.

Apple said last month about the inakaraporetedake Palo Alto Networks. Apple has been notified promptly of the Apple store is expected to move applications from the disibhara As

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