Saturday, October 13, 2012

Field Communication for Mobile Payments

How are we supposed to use the technology and we hope to leave our wallets at home when 9 out of 10 stores we have in the store are not compatible with our new favorite thing ever found? Simply speaking to technology is not enough, make sure that it is worth taking the potential security risks described above for the convenience of making payments on the fly.

Is the device really worth having? There are literally hundreds of new inventions every day, most of them do not even hear about because they do not really have a purpose important enough to worry about. Popular devices do a great job of showing a big problem you never knew you had and then presented as the solution to that problem. Remember, every dollar saved is a dollar earned.

It has been said that Near Field Communication is the wave of the future. Until now there has been captured in the form in which it was intended. The jury is still out on whether or not the technology will actually be the next big thing or a fad. You can bet that you have not heard the last of which is considered the amount of money spent trying to implement the idea and solving technology problems currently facing.

I for one am not a big fan of using mobile payment technology. The easier it is for me to spend money, more money you end up spending, not to mention increased exposure to banking and / or identity theft.

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